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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Important notice!

Starting today, the boss will post in english but the admin will tetep pake bahasa indonesia. So its gado gado :)) because when 'bule' visits our blog, at least there's gonna be somethin' they could catch besides the pictures


There will be Indonesia-Japan Group Work Camp with students from Keio University at around August 2008. Its a great opportunity for all Igakusei members to work together with Japanese people. You can learn how to apply your medical knowledge on the society, learn so many new things and of course exchange knowledge with the Japanese students.

While doing the social work with them, you can also get to know more about their culture (if you're lucky, you can make Jori draw some H stuff for you, he is really good at manga drawing, bwahahaha), their language, and so many other stuff.

So come and join us! three of you (who joined the last Trinity Blood cosplay) has been approved and there are still space for more. Active Igakusei members (especially cosplayers, bwahahaha) will have better chance to get elected (sorry Seth, i'm pushing my own selfishness on you again, but you're my cute otouto, so...)

I joined last year's Group Work Camp and its soooo awesome. I could learn so many things like communication skill, the reality of our people's health condition, the real street children life, how to cook Japanese food, Japanese cultures and so many other stuff.
So if you're interested, you can contact Seto '05 or Nira '05, they'll answer all your question regarding this camp.

Monday, April 28, 2008

People Behind the Scene

We wanna say Thank you very much,arigato, danke, merci to our divisions, people behind the scene
Klo ga ada kalian cosplay kita yang pertama ini ga akan berhasil, buat divisi make up (vina, lisa n tmn2 yang laen yang udah membuat muka kt jd bhn percobaan hehehe), divisi segala n danus(seto), transportasi (vina, luki de el el) n tmn2 laen yang udah nyumbangin foto2nya untuk diupload....juga buat yang lain yang ga bs kita sebutin satu2

Spt kata dosen kita, "sesama dokter adalah saudara...."

Keep our spirit n pegang teguh sumpah Hippokrates wakakaka

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Foto Trinity Blood [4]

Foto Trinity Blood [3]

Foto Trinity Blood [2]

Foto Trinity Blood [1]

:3 dari si bos

akhirnya beres juga ya semua

aku dah ngeluangin waktu dua bulan di sela-sela kesibukan panum n bikin KI buat jahit kostum ini, puas banget pas ngeliat hasilnya kemaren! terbayar sudah all the blood and tears I shed in the making of this costume!

buat bocah-bocah igakusei, ayo-ayo ikuti teladan dari bosmu, kalo cosplay bajunya jahit sendiri! yah, agak susah si, kan ga semua orang punya mesin jahit di rumah kayak aku, bwahahaha

tapi berusahalah!

tar kalo ada waktu luang kita foto-foto lagi ya (gilaa narsis abis anak efka) tapi mungkin agak susah ngumpulin 18 orang yang kemaren lagi ya, tar deh kalo minggu tenang ato apalah gitu

trus special thanks buat 'tante penjahit kita yang super keren' yang udah mau nerima request bikin kostum yang amat sangat dadakan buat anak-anak igakusei, keren banget tante!!! gila, ga ada sebulan bisa beres 14 kostum!


Waah, akhirnya selesai juga!!!

Capek banget ni!

Si bos juga jari kakinya pada nekrosis iskemik gara-gara pake high heels, wakakak (makanya bos, jadi cewek belajar pake high heels dong, tar kalo dah jadi dokter masa mo pake sneakers? huakakakak :D)

Setelah semua bergerilya bikin aksesoris, dandan de-el-el, akhirnya kelar juga

Fotonya lagi diupload nih, selamat menikmati

Trus buat yang belom sempet ikutan, besok-besok masih ada kesempatan laen kok, nyante aja, mikir ujian dulu ya, biar ga SP (boros :P)

Makasih buat semua pihak yang udah bantu-bantu kita ya!

Dan maap banget temen-temen yang dah dateng buat dukung kita, kemaren kita pada dateng telat, kita sibuk banget sih, ada yang responsi mikro, ada yang ujian interna, ada yang ketemu dekan, macem-macem lah (maklum anak kedokteran... huakakakak)

Friday, April 25, 2008

H - 1

After the blood bath on the mid semester test, we will finally go for the "Trinity Blood" cosplay tomorrow!

For all Igakusei members... HAVE FUN!!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Road to Cosplay

Our next cosplay : TriBla

Winding n suffering road to our first cosplay

keep screamin........Ganbarimasu!!!!!!

Making the accessories is... completely hell!!!

Not enough materials, glue all over my fingers, crazy shapes to cut T_T

And in the end... not enough silver spray paint! gaaaaaaah!!!!!!!

But when it's done... definitely gonna looks cool though ^__^

Hmm...i hope so