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Friday, June 6, 2008

we found something cool

Today I went out with Kaze to find a few stuff for our next cosplay and our yearbook photo shoot and, well... we didn't find much in that regard.

However, we found something good on our way home. We saw some cool action figures. Kaze really like onepiece lately so she bought some of them and it's sooo cool :))

It's a pity I coulnd't find any action figure of my favorite characters so I didn't buy any... damn :(

But anyway, have a look at those beautiful (and expensive by the way... really Kaze, you shouldn't spend soooo much on those when you're about to do another 'money consuming' cosplay) action figures. I really like nami and robin's figures.


Anonymous said...

satunya brapa tu bos action figurenya????

ada action figure-nya brooke ga???aqu mau kalo ada...

oya..belinya dmana????

Anonymous said...

berapa ya? umm... 150 ribuan kayaknya

brooke kayanya belom ada deh, masi baru banget kan?

di citraland, banyak tempat yang ada, di deket baskin, ato di J-Shop juga ada yang bagus-bagus

Anonymous said...

walah2...satunya tu segitu..????

mau beli 2 300rbu donk....

bisa buat beli anime di no smoking brapa banyak tu????

tapi kalo ada brooke boleh deh....
ato mihawk juga gpp....

nanti kalo cosplay one piece aqu booking mau jadi mihawk yaaaaa